Instagram Tests New Feature That’s Similar To Snapchat’s Maps

Instagram Tests New Feature That’s Similar To Snapchat’s Maps

Instagram has just rolled out a new feature that is very similar to Snap Maps. The popular social media platform is experimenting with the latest offering that is very popular on Snapchat.

Launched in 2017, Snapchat’s Snap Maps featured a map for sharing updates with contacts. They would appear near one another to keep friends aware of recent activities. Instagram is doing just that.

Users can publish any text or video updates to a map feature, depending on where it was taken.

The main difference between Instagram’s feature and that seen with Snapchat is limited privacy. If you wish to use this update, Instagram asks you to identify a specific group to share location like Close Friends or followers. Meanwhile, Snapchat gives you the freedom to put out the post publicly.

The latest feature is only present as a small test for a limited number of users. It’s an opt-in tool and entails restrictions on location sharing. Instagram says users’ security and privacy have always been the main focus and this is no exception.

There are no reports on whether or not the feature would be released for general public and how much longer the posts would be up for grabs.

It was first spotted in the developmental phase under another name ‘Friend Map’ in February. This week, some users spotted some pictures related to the feature. And now, it’s yet to be determined where the test is done.

In 2012, we saw Instagram roll out another feature where users could all images on a map. However, that was restricted completely to private so friends could not see it. Only the users’ images were a part of it.

This was a great way to look into photo collections but the platform bid farewell to it after four years, citing lack of use and interest from users.

However, this new feature could be something that keeps users interested for a long time. Remember, Instagram has built up quite a reputation for stealing ideas from arch-rivals, especially competitors.

So many of its most successful offerings happen to be rip-offs from rival apps like TikTok and Snapchat. For instance, Reels and Stories. Did we mention, that Threads is inspired by Twitter? For now, let’s see how this new Snapchat-inspired map is going to do with users. Will it be just as successful or another flop?

H/T: TheEdge / Sophie van Soest

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