It’s Time To Share The Worst Movie You’ve Ever Seen, And Please Don’t Hold Back

We’ve all watched a movie and been utterly disappointed, sometimes to the extent that it even becomes hilariously bad.


So, I want to know the worst movie you’ve ever seen and what was so bad about it.

Maybe you were on board the hype-train for Movie 43, until you saw it…

Relativity Media

Or perhaps you’ve never felt disappointment like you did watching The Last Airbender?

Paramount Pictures

Was Cats unbearable to watch for you?

Universal Pictures

Or were you shaking your head throughout Dirty Grandpa?

Lionsgate Films

Whatever it is, we want to know the worst movie you’ve ever seen, and what was so terrible about it. Leave your comment below and you could feature in a BuzzFeed post or video.

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