Jameela Jamil Has Defended Kim Kardashian’s Met Look

Stephanie Soteriou

Speaking on Rylan Clark’s How To Be… podcast, Jameela said that the celebrity world has gone backward amid the introduction of Ozempic. 

Ozempic is a drug used to lower blood sugar levels in adults with Type 2 diabetes, but in recent years, there has been a surge in celebrities utilizing the drug for weight-loss purposes. 

“You can see the impact of it through the industry because I went to get fitted for an event, and the samples are this big again, Baby Gap size,” Jameela said. “I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe how small the samples were again. I was like: Oh my god, this feels like when I joined the industry 16 years ago. I couldn’t get a leg in.”

“We’ve totally gone back. Totally, totally, totally gone back,” she went on. “Because they know that now everyone has got access to the thing that means they can get into the sample, and the problem with this is, that’s the image that the world is seeing on the red carpet, in the magazines, and that becomes the beauty ideal.”

“And women who work in offices and shops, and girls who are at school look at that, and they see all these celebrities, all the same, with the same uniform body. Even if they are different ages, different heights, different ethnicities, they’ve all got the same bodies — so that must be the correct body,” Jameela said. “And [they think] there’s something wrong with me because I don’t look like that, and so that’s why these samples are dangerous.”

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