“Ken-Adian” Superstar Simu Liu Reveals His Dream Day In Toronto

“Ken-Adian” Superstar Simu Liu Reveals His Dream Day In Toronto

“Ken-Adian” Superstar Simu Liu Reveals His Dream Day In Toronto

“I’d love to say that I party it up late into the night at like, Rebel—”

Ever daydreamed about spending a perfect day in the city with a real-life Marvel superhero and Ken from Barbie?! But then you’re like… darn, I have no way to contact Toronto’s own Simu Liu 😔

Babe, DON’T worry – we got you! While announcing his new sponsorship as the “Fingertips” of Cheetos Canada, we were lucky to have our homegrown hero stop by to chat about his dream day in Toronto.

His day starts off with a literal dream: perfect discipline in the morning! Chuckling, he says, “I get up in the morning, alright, and for some reason I have crazy discipline. At 7:30AM, at the crack of dawn. I workout for TWO HOURS.”

After working up a sweat, “I go and grab brunch at Mildred’s Temple Kitchen and I get the blueberry soufflé pancakes.”

“And then I go and call up my friends and we play some basketball at the Harbourfront Center at Bathurst and Lakeshore. Run a little pick up hoop.”

From basketball to bevies: “Maybe we hang out for a bit after, maybe we go to a little rooftop and we hit up Lavalle. Grab a non-alcoholic beverage because I don’t drink.”

Simu’s perfect dinner spot? “So, I go to PAI for dinner. Incredible meal, incredible hospitality. Great chef.”

And finally, the cherry on top off Simu’s dream day in the city: “Board game night with my best friends and a giant bowl of FLAMIN’ HOT.”

Well. I literally couldn’t agree more. If ever the Marvel, Barbie, and Cheetos revenue streams dry up, Simu, I’m telling you— you could be an iconic Toronto-foodie-blogger.

What’s a dream day in Toronto look like to you?! Let us know in the comments:

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