Light Novel Review: The Reincarnated Princess Spends Another Day Skipping Story Routes: Volume 6

Light Novel Review: The Reincarnated Princess Spends Another Day Skipping Story Routes: Volume 6

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The Reincarnated Princess Spends Another Day Skipping Story Routes: Volume 6

Rosemary has successfully recovered the stone containing the demon lord. The Kingdom of Nevel is looking for a way to permanently destroy it by summoning a person from another world. Meanwhile, the Kingdom of Lapter is more desperate than ever to retrieve the stone. And yeah, she has six months to make Leonhart fall in love with her before her father betroths her with the prince from the Kingdom of Vint. Disclaimer: A review copy was provided by the publisher. Check out the previous reviews

It usually takes a few chapters to get hooked but it was hard to put it down from the first chapter. Since the story seems to be closing in the final arc, we are now talking about movements and conflicts at a kingdom level.  It was a jolt when they were summoning the shrine maiden. It’s so easy to forget that our girl is a villainess…meaning that there will be a heroine from the Hidden World otome game. The reason for summoning another person is actually brilliant and it’s not purely based on their ancient texts or tradition.

Six volumes in and I’m finally warming up to Leonhart now. The flashes of jealousy. The blushing. When he switches to a  dangerous mode when her safety is in question. You’ll get a kick from all the secondhand information from the king. The only catch is that my mind got stuck in the younger version of Rosemary from when the story started. Brain, please cooperate, especially in the next volume, that she’s almost sixteen. And the one thing we’re all probably waiting for is Leonhart’s POV. This is a multi-POV light novel after all which is its strength by the way and the author is sneakily withholding it. But my heart still goes out to the other characters when they realized there is something going on between Rosemary and Leonhart. Almost everyone already knows except for Rosemary who still thinks she’s in one-sided love. 

If we’re really nitpicky about it, there are four guys who are in love with her. (Four flowers under Levels of Reverse HaremFor someone who’s smart in making deductions of critical story elements, she sucks at guessing people’s feelings. The rest of the guys are like mother figures, fanboys (and fangirls), and overprotective siblings. And speaking of mother figures, Crow is now another favorite character after Klaus and the king. His murderous thoughts against Ratte is uhhm so refreshing.  

The author convincingly twists her flaws into her strengths. And as one of the characters puts it, it is her personal virtue. The king is basically us who sees through her baka-ness. The ending is totally unexpected. The story keeps getting better, and better. What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments.     

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