Meeting Xia Yan! Release Date

Meeting Xia Yan! Release Date

Your wait for Kengan Omega Chapter 205 is coming to an end. The new chapter is only a day away, and fans are excited to catch up with the next of the story. Last time, Ohma sent one of his strongest comrades to fight the intruders. The beginning of this fight was an amazing opening. Moreover, there is to come more of this extravagant action sequence. So, without taking much of your time, here is all you need to know about the next chapter.

In the following storyline, fans are to catch up with the conclusion of this action piece. In addition, there will also be a change of plans in the team. The Kengan Association and Worm are to face off very soon. But time shall give away all the answers!

Kengan Omega Chapter 203

Kengan Omega Chapter 205: Plot Details!

The man that they enforced upon the intruders was one who they found in the disputed territory itself. And he was given the name of rearguard from that time onwards. Here, all of them were to only witness the fight. However, upon seeing that their teammate was outnumbered by a huge margin, all of them also entered the spree. And without showing the result of the fight, the outing comes to an end. And here, Kengan Omega Chapter 205 will bring an end to the showreel.

The Kengan team will easily win this one. Not only that, but they will also manage to capture one of the fighters only to find out the real whereabouts of the men of the Worm. In addition, there will come a scene where Worm also gets the update that this group of people is coming for them. What shall be their next move? Only time will tell!

Kengan Omega Chapter 205

A Quick Recap!

We meet with Tenjin, the direct subordinate of the Worm’s Head, in the opening scene of Kengan Omega Chapter 204. After killing a man, they reported to one of the managers. But they were quick to confirm that Ogi was dead because there was no answer from the man. Willem Wu was observing the working of the Worm for the first time. Thus, he concludes that Worm’s idea of life and death was very different from the rest of the world.

In the next scene comes Xia Yan, the head of Worm. The team of terrorists just welcomed another mysterious man into their team. Here at the Kengan Association, the managers were thinking about whether their men found the Disputed territory or not. In one of the last acts of the chapter, Tokita Ohma was leading his strongest man to fight the three intruders who had come to attack this team.

Kengan Omega Chapter 205

Kengan Omega Chapter 205: Release Date

Rearguard is only the beginning of the danger. After crossing this tip of the iceberg, the heroes are to face more dangerous situations in the future to come. Right now, no break has been announced in the release of the new one. Thus, Kengan Omega Chapter 205 comes out this week on April 14, 2023. All the chapters of the manga will be found only on the official pages of Kodansha. We will update this section in case of any changes. Thus, keep an eye on The Anime Daily to get all the intel right here.

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