Money-Saving Tips for Buying Auto Insurance

Drivers who are seeking auto insurance for the first time or are considering switching to more affordable auto insurance can save money by obtaining competitive quotes from numerous auto insurance companies who are competing to win over new customers.

Especially on the internet, auto insurance is easy to find. Those who have selected new auto insurance may want to consider some money-saving ideas on how to reduce monthly auto insurance costs.

Auto Insurance: Driver Safety and Other Auto Discounts

Auto insurance companies generally provide certain discounts on the auto insurance policy for safety features in a new or used car. Ask the auto insurance if they provide discounts for:

new cars less than 3 years old
cars with low theft loss statistics
cars with safety features such as airbags, anti-theft measures, or anti-lock brakes
covering the car under the same auto insurance policy (auto insurance loyalty discount)
covering auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance, or other insurance from the same insurance company

Auto Insurance: Tweaking Auto Insurance Coverages

A surefire way to reduce overall auto insurance costs for a new auto insurance policy is to adjust coverages. Ask the auto insurance about:

declining collision coverage for a car older than 10 years
raising deductible on collision coverage (e.g., $500 to $1000)
eliminating rental reimbursement and towing coverage if the driver is already covered for roadside assistance under a new car extended warranty
reducing payment limits on liability coverage
lowering payment limits for uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage
raising deductible on comprehensive coverage if the driver lives in an area with less crime, fewer natural disasters, fewer animal run-ins, or less likelihood for windshield chipping/cracking
eliminating medical payments coverage if already covered under personal health insurance and personal injury protection (and don’t live in one of the 12 states that mandate PIP)
reducing payment limits on personal injury protection (PIP) coverage if car is used only occasionally and for short errands on side streets, and driver is covered under personal health insurance
eliminating or reducing payment limits on rental reimbursement

Auto Insurance: Smart Driving Tips

After reviewing the new auto insurance policy, the driver should consider the following smart driving tips to reduce his or her auto insurance:

avoid distractions and never drive while talking on a cell phone
be a defensive, proactive driver
obey the rules of the road and don’t take unnecessary risks
drive fewer miles (low mileage discount)
drive safely to avoid having an accident history with auto insurance
place multiple vehicles on the same policy (multiple car discount)
maintain good credit and a good payment history
take a defensive driving course (certain states only)

Auto Insurance: The Bottom Line on Saving Money

Auto insurance is very complex and can often be somewhat hard to understand. But drivers can save significant amounts of money by asking the auto insurance company about discounts on driver safety measures, adjusting auto insurance coverages, and by following smart driver safety tips.

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