Older Parents Discuss The Joys And Challenges Of Kids


“I had my first baby at 33 through IVF, and my husband was 41. This was after five years of trying on our own. Then we unexpectedly got pregnant on our own two more times, and I had babies at ages 35 and 37. We never intended to have a baby at ages 37 and 45, but here we are, and we couldn’t imagine our lives without her. But I think the mix of three pregnancies in four years and my age destroyed my SI joint and hips. I think if I were younger, it wouldn’t have been so bad.”

“With baby number three, I was in so much pain that I seriously wasn’t sure if I could make it. I felt like my legs were going to give out on me because of the pain and weakness brought on by SI joint dysfunction and SPD. I am better now, but still not at 100% two years postpartum. Also, man, we are tired. Looking back to all those late nights partying in my early 20s and getting up and going to work the next day like it was no big deal makes me realize how much of an advantage it is to have kids young. But we are more established in our careers, more mature, and have different priorities now. In a lot of ways, it makes it easier to have kids older. I’ve heard people talk about not wanting to have kids at an older age because they won’t be around as long, but my dad was 34 when I was born and died at age 46 from pancreatic cancer when I was only 12 years old, and my sister was 6, so who knows? Age isn’t everything. It’s about finding the right time for you. If I had gotten pregnant when we first started trying, I would have had a baby at 27, but I am glad it worked out the way it did.”


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