On Hiatus! New Release Date & More

On Hiatus! New Release Date & More

Are you a fan of the Ranking of Kings manga? If so, you may be disheartened to learn that the series will be going on hiatus for an indefinite period. This announcement was made in the 230/231st chapter of Sōsuke Tōka’s manga, which was released last Saturday. So, when will the story come back now? Here is everything you need to know about the latest announcement in line from the makers!

The manga follows Bojji, a deaf and powerless prince, as he seeks to fulfill his dreams of becoming the world’s greatest king. Despite his relentless efforts, Bojji faces constant ridicule from those around him. With the support of his first-ever friend, Kage, Bojji sets out on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Keep reading further to know what comes out in this new anime.

ranking of kings manga

Ranking of Kings Manga: Official Break Announcement

Readers of the Ranking of Kings manga received the disappointing news that the series will be taking a break for some time. It was announced on Saturday alongside the release of the 230/231st chapter of the manga. However, the announcement did not reveal when the series would resume.

This news is particularly disappointing, given the popularity of the series. The manga centers around Bojji, a deaf and powerless prince who dreams of becoming the world’s greatest king despite being constantly ridiculed by those around him. With the help of his first-ever friend, Kage, Bojji navigates the challenges of his life and grows as a person.

ranking of kings manga

What Is The Reason For The Break

However, there are a few possible explanations. One of the most likely is that the author simply needs a break to rest and recharge their creative energy. Manga creation is an extremely challenging process that requires a lot of time and effort, and it’s not uncommon for creators to take breaks to avoid burnout.

Another possibility is that the author is taking a break to focus on the anime adaptation of the manga. The anime premiered in October 2021 and ran for two continuous cours (quarters of the year). Funimation streamed the anime as it aired in Japan, and it also streamed an English dub. The popularity of the anime could be putting pressure on the author to focus on it exclusively for a while.

Also Read: Ranking Of Kings Treasure Chest Of Courage Anime: Final Release Date OUT! Plot & More To Know

ranking of kings manga

Ranking of Kings Manga: Release Date

Unfortunately, there is no information available about when the Ranking of Kings manga will return from hiatus. The announcement made in the 230/231st chapter of the manga simply stated that the series would be going on hiatus for a while. It’s possible that the hiatus will only last a few weeks or months, but it’s also possible that it could be longer. At last, keep an eye on The Anime Daily to get all updates on this right here.

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