One-In-A-Million Coincidences That Actually Happened

One-In-A-Million Coincidences That Actually Happened


“I was in a big steakhouse in California about 30 years ago. The waitress, like many Americans, liked our Brit accent and happened to say their head chef was from England. Thought nothing of it because England is quite a big place with a lot of people. About an hour later, as we were finishing up our desserts, the chef came out.”

“The conversation went something like this:

CHEF: I heard your accents and had to come out because you sound like you are from Essex.

ME: Yes, all four of us are. We are from Southend on Sea. (A very famous large Essex town recognized around the UK.)

CHEF: Really. That’s where I’m from. Actually Shoeburyness just outside Southend.

ME: Really! I lived there for 12 years after I was born.

CHEF: Do you know West Road? I ran the Chippy (fish and chip shop) there for 10 years between ’71 and ‘81.

ME: You’ve got to be joking. I used to come in your shop the last Friday of every month with my brother and my parents to get fish and chips. What are the chances of that???”

Paul Dunn

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