Overnight Shift Workers Are Sharing Creepy Experiences

Overnight Shift Workers Are Sharing Creepy Experiences


“I work nights as a warehouse manager for a large supermarket chain, and we receive produce from all over the world. So, of course, occasionally we’d find ‘hitchhikers,’ little creepy crawlies that would make their way into the boxes. Since everything is kept cold, usually they’re either dead or very close to being so. The coolest little guy I ever found was a black scorpion! I’d say he was a good three to four inches long.”

“We’re in Massachusetts, so this was a big deal! He was barely clinging to life, so I grabbed the plastic container that I had my soup in, scooped him up, and floated him in a sink full of warm water, hoping to revive him. Unfortunately, he didn’t make it. Too bad, I would’ve taken him home, and he could’ve lived out his days in a nice, warm cage, getting fat on crickets. Oh well.”


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