An idle timer is one way to add an additional layer of security to your web application. An idle timer is used to sign out a user after checking whether they’ve been inactive for a specified duration. When building websites ...

What Is Distributed Tracing? The rise of microservices has enabled users to create distributed applications that consist of modular services rather than a single functional unit. This modularity makes testing and deployment easier while preventing a single point of failure ...

Do you want to create a mobile-friendly version of your WordPress website so it can load instantly on mobile phones? Your regular WordPress website functions efficiently on desktops and tablets but it can be fatally slowly on mobile phones. It ...

Some ideas for hover effects using clip-path animations where the same image gets revealed in a creative way. From our sponsor: Get personalized content recommendations to make your emails more engaging. Sign up for Mailchimp today. Today ...

This article introduces Python lambda functions and how write and use them. Although Python is an object-oriented programming language, lambda functions are handy when you’re doing various kinds of functional programming. Note: this article will assume you already understand Python ...