Dear Boss, Our team has been working hard to make the product serve our customers the best we can. It’s been a real challenge. One of our biggest problems is code quality. We let too many bugs slip into production. ...

This article will look at TypeScript vs JavaScript: how they compare, and when to use TypeScript vs JavaScript. We’ll explore what TypeScript actually is, why it exists, and what its advantages and disadvantages are. What is TypeScript? TypeScript is an ...

It’s been an incredible decade. So much of my life has changed in the last 10 years. I’m going to share a few select highlights from my life in the last 10 years and then talk about some of the ...

CSS selectors allow you to choose elements by type, attributes, or location within the HTML document. This tutorial explains three new options — :is(), :where(), and :has(). Selectors are commonly used in stylesheets. The following example locates all <p> paragraph ...

Watch “Reduce cognitive load for readers of your code by avoiding nesting of closures” on If I come across code like this: function getDisplayName({firstName, lastName}) { const upperFirstCharacter = string => string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1) return `${upperFirstCharacter(firstName)} ${upperFirstCharacter(lastName)}` } ...