It’s been an incredible decade. So much of my life has changed in the last 10 years. I’m going to share a few select highlights from my life in the last 10 years and then talk about some of the ...

CSS selectors allow you to choose elements by type, attributes, or location within the HTML document. This tutorial explains three new options — :is(), :where(), and :has(). Selectors are commonly used in stylesheets. The following example locates all <p> paragraph ...

Watch “Reduce cognitive load for readers of your code by avoiding nesting of closures” on If I come across code like this: function getDisplayName({firstName, lastName}) { const upperFirstCharacter = string => string.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1) return `${upperFirstCharacter(firstName)} ${upperFirstCharacter(lastName)}` } ...

What is a REST API? REST is an acronym for Representational State Transfer — an almost meaningless description of the most-used web service technology! A REST API is a way for two computer systems to communicate using the HTTP technologies ...

Watch “Fix ‘React Error: Rendered fewer hooks than expected'” on I got a great question from Taranveer Bains on my AMA asking: I ran into an issue where if I provided a function that used hooks in its implementation ...