If you’re using react@>=16.8, then you can use hooks and you’ve probably written several custom ones yourself. You may have wondered how to be confident that your hook continues to work over the lifetime of your application. And I’m not ...

Introduction AI is one of the most powerful tools of the decade, and there is no distrust regarding the same. With time it’s improving and constantly presenting better versions of itself. There are hundreds of AI tools that help enhance ...

It was 18 December 2019. I went to the third floor of the building where my potential new team sat. I was working at Zalando back then and applied for an internal job posting. I already had a couple of ...

In this brief tutorial on JavaScript regex matching, you’ll learn how to test whether a string matches a regular expression using the test() method. Strings are pieces of text that can contain a variety of data — such as URLs, ...

First, let’s make sure we’re talking about the same thing: function App() { return ( <BrowserRouter> <Redirect from="/old-route" to="/new-route" /> {/* ... more routes etc... */} </BrowserRouter> ) } (Or however else you might accomplish the same thing in your ...