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Startups need outside capital to grow. However, the process of raising that money is often long, complex, and ego deflating. It is a path all founders must take to succeed in business, but when is the right time to raise? ...

The medical industry is constantly being reshaped by new technology. From the invention of the first stethoscope to lab-on-chip technology, medicine is entering a new era of digital diagnostics, data analysis and wearables. For this article, we’ve taken a look ...

We can all agree that the best place to have your users is within your app. You can meet them in their email inbox or on a website, but inside an app is ideal. That means they’ve downloaded it, logged ...

Introduction: Shopify vs WooCommerce? With the advent of eCommerce, it has become easier than ever for businesses to sell their products and services online. However, there are many different platforms that offer similar services and pricing plans. With both Shopify ...