In the ‘90s, cell phones emerged and became one of the most popular electronic devices in the world, with many people spending hours every day talking on them. What do people need to know about radiation and cell phones, and ...

Data is the main differentiator between winning and also-rans businesses. According to a recent survey, industries will generate and manage more than 55% of the 163 zettabytes of data by 2025. Regardless of their size, enterprises are enhancing their digital ...

As states across the country have begun legalizing marijuana, there has been increasing demand for products. The explosive growth in demand has led to the need for laws governing its sale and purchase. So if you are planning to buy ...

The year 2022 was partially eclipsed by COVID-19 for me. I have achieved some of my goals for the year. This will be the fourth recap of the year I am writing, the first one was written in 2019, and ...

Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its inception in the 1950s. From being a subject of science fiction to becoming a reality, AI has made tremendous progress and is continuously evolving. In this blog, we will ...