Did you know The fake review and rating scam is continuously rigging the Apple’s App Store charts In this current 21st century, consumer review is the most important factor that most of us consider before purchasing anything online. Usually anything ...

You know Facebook Starts Cracking Down on Climate Change Misinformation Critics have been talking about the spread of misinformation on social media, with a particular emphasis placed on Facebook, for quite some time now. It is important to note that ...

Did you now Microsoft Moves Into AI Speech Tech With Latest Acquisition A big part of Microsoft’s strategy after its brief risk of fading into obscurity in the late 2000s has involved major acquisitions. The acquisition of LinkedIn allowed Microsoft ...

Did you know Top tips for overcoming job search fatigue (infographic) Searching for a job at the best of times can be exhausting, we all know that. But looking for a new opportunity during a global pandemic when there are ...

Did you now Survey Reveals Lack of Public Trust in Social Media Influencers, Politicians How people receive information can end up being a crucial aspect of how they go about living their lives, and nothing has proved the importance of ...