Did you know Facebook Provides New Perspectives into COVID-19’s Impact on Small Businesses Facebook has prepared a report which indicates the effects Covid-19 had on small businesses across the world. Since July 2019, Facebook has been monitoring and collecting the ...

You know New research suggests that the impact of updated IDFA prompt on iOS will not be as bad as it is predicted Apple’s upcoming IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers) can be launched on any day, and advertisers are expecting the ...

Did you know The algorithm used by Facebook for Job advertisement is still found to be gender biased Its only been 2 years since Facebook was filed with 5 lawsuits and had to find its way out through settlement. These ...

You know Data of Over 500 Million Users Was Compromised On LinkedIn Very Recently As technology has evolved we have benefited off it with the new and advance things it offers but with the growing technology one thing that is ...

You know TikTok has introduced a new ‘Wellness Hub’ to connect its users to ideas and tips on physical and mental health content for a better living TikTok was launched in 2016 and in February 2019, there were almost a ...