Did you know More Shady iOS Apps Are “Recommended By Apple” & Charging Users Subscription Fees Well, all the Apple users must first thank FlickType and Fleksy founder Kosta Eleftheriou who remained extremely dedicated to exposing scam iOS apps during ...

Did you know 30 percent increase in Screen time since 2019 with an average of 4.2 hours being consumed per day The Corona Virus pandemic has brought a change globally. According to a report published by App Annie which is ...

Did you know Even after the launch of so many popular social media apps, Facebook and YouTube still remain to be the most widely used platforms Even though there are so many apps out there that have reached to such ...

You know Instagram is working on ‘’Incentive’’ to let users earn some extra money from the platform, a toggle to enable the vanish mode is also in the development As you know about the monetization of YouTube and Facebook from ...

Did you know Apple has introduced the Find My Network Accessory program for third-party device manufacturers Apple has revealed the introduction of its ‘Find My network’ accessory program, which will enable third-party Bluetooth devices to be monitored by using preloaded ...