Did you know Here’s How People Prefer to Make Purchases Through Social Media Platforms (infographic) After more than a year of social distancing and lockdown, more than 100 million Americans received the COVID-19 vaccine, and a return to some kind ...

Did you know Snapchat to Develop New AR Enabled Glasses in The Near Future The tech giants are so ahead in the game of technology that they are introducing new and new things every year. Snapchat is one of the ...

Did you know Getty Images is acquiring Unsplash, the dominating free public domain images hub Getty Images, a leader of the world in visual communication is entering into a definitive agreement to acquire Unsplash, which is the preeminent image platform ...

Did you know Apple updated its Apple Maps with information regarding Covid-19 measures at Airports to make traveling easier Since now most of the counties have started their flight system once again and travelling has begun officially , in order ...

Did you know LinkedIn is working on a whole bunch of features to release soon for its users LinkedIn is an app that is known to many and has helped thousands of people out there. Launched on May 5 of ...