Did you know TikTok To Join Hands, Raise Awareness To End Wildlife Online Trafficking And Conservation Trade Records Analysis of Flora and Fauna are commonly known as TRAFFIC, a leading NGO working for wildlife has joined hands with TIKTOK and ...

You know Tencent and Chinese Law Enforcement Authorities put an end to the world’s biggest video game-cheat operations Tencent Company has made many popular games like PUBG, Call of Duty, etc. but now a day, cheating in online games has ...

Did you know How behavior of people from different generations are impacted by smartphones There is no denying in the fact that smartphones play an integral part in each one of our lives. Whether that is for a 9 year ...

Did you know Google Chrome is releasing a new progressive web application user interface installation for Android users Progression Web Application or PWA is an application software that is manufactured using common web technologies such as HTML, Java Script and ...

Did you know Young people with eating disorders are being triggered by the body-editing apps promoted on Instagram and TikTok Social Media apps, Tiktok and Instagram are once again trending in an online argument. It is believed that these two ...