You know Beware Social Media Users! A New ‘Change Facebook Color’ Scam Is Making Rounds On Facebook To Steal Your Account Credentials Different social media sites are coming up with many new features everyday making things easier for their users, ...

Did you know Don’t be fooled by Instagram DM phishing scams, secure your account by turning on 2-factor authentication From phishing emails to spam texts to secretive login attempts, the security of digital accounts has become much important now as ...

Did you  know People during the Pandemic; have spent most of their time on the usage of apps like finance, social media, and lifestyle especially led by Generation Z Most of the people are bound to stay at home so ...

Did you know 4 in 10 of the top apps in the US ask for background location access to track your every single move, while same is the case for half of the apps in China Do you remember how ...

Did you know 53 percent of consumers say that they get irritated when they see too many ads of a brand The marketing efforts of any company or brands have a direct impact on sales, but these are not only ...