Did you know Twitter is trying to build a new decentralized and alternate to its platform, takes a baby step forward Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey said that Twitter is trying to build an alternative to its platform, and the company ...

Did you know Android to welcome a new feature ‘App Pairs’ which will allow users to group two apps together It has been come to notice that the new version of the OS would allow the users to group two ...

Did you now Google revamps Mobile Search to make it easier to read and to allow the users to focus on the information in a better way Google has started rolling out a new design for Search on Android and ...

You know LinkedIn brings some reply tools to help users control who may respond to their posts and who may not LinkedIn is a famous social app that is more business and employment-oriented than other social media platforms. Many people ...

Did you know Refurbished Smartphone Industry Endures Serious Hit in 2020 It’s fair to say that pretty much every single industry out there suffered some kind of a financial hit in 2020, and for the most part these industries are ...