Did you know The NoxPlayer Android emulator is observed to be attacked by malware, inserted by a hacker group One of the most popular Android emulator is discovered to contain multiple malware strains, say the security researchers. Reports suggest that ...

Did you know Recent reports state that the data breaches over the Unites States have declined to about 19% in 2020 Data breaching is the leak of private and confidential information. This can happen both intentionally as well as unintentionally. ...

Did you know The number of scam cases on Instagram has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, which could badly damage the reputation of the social networks and influencers Our routine has totally changed during the pandemic situation like our working ...

Did you know Sharing Your Covid-19 Vaccination Card on Social Media Can Lead to Identity Theft Identity theft is the sort of thing that has been a problem for quite a few people for centuries now, but in the age ...

Did you  know VPN downloads increased all over the world in 2020 2020 for sure had a lot going on. There hasn’t been any one field in which anyone didn’t hear any sort of news. With everything aside, VPN downloads ...