Did you know The CFO of Twitter, Ned Segal says that Apple’s iOS privacy changes will have no impact on Twitter because it will level the playing field Apple has announced some major privacy changes in which the advertisement selling ...

Did you know The Hidden Black Market of Social Media Accounts When you think of online black markets, you are probably going to think of places that sell weapons, narcotics as well as a wide range of illicit services. While ...

Did you know The Americas and Africa Have the Poorest Internet Service Despite it Being the Most Expensive Today, having a stable internet connection is a must. However, when one pays a significant amount to get poor connectivity, the problem ...

You know Snapchat conducted a research that depicts their audience’s response towards the video content that gets featured in the app Snapchat was first launched in 2011, and it has been everyone’s favorite since then. Snapchat was the first app ...

Did you know Mobile Market Forecast Report Predicts The App Spending To Go Up To $270 Billion Till 2025 Can you imagine living without apps? While the answer to this would most probably be a “no” from the majority, a ...