Did you know TikTok Tests the Option to Manage Multiple Comments at The Same Time TikTok is among one of the most widely used applications throughout the world and it has managed to climb up on the ladder of success ...

Did you know Microsoft Edge adds a nifty Kids Mode for safer web browsing, that its competitors should replicate Earlier, Microsoft Edge has introduced a variety of features for its users to improve their browsing experience and it has now ...

Did you know YouTube to Start Separating Shorts From Long Form Content A major way in which content online has changed over the past decade has involved an increased focus on short form content. Vine was the first app that ...

Did you know The Oculus Store Is Introducing Subscription Packages To Individual Applications On The Platform Developers publishing on the Oculus Store can now offer subscription packages to their customers, as opposed to being limited to either single purchases or ...

Did you know Mark Zuckerberg is apparently developing a version of Instagram for kids which people are not at all in favor of The social media world is a place that has both its merits and demerits. The one place ...