Did you know WhatsApp Tests a Feature Which Prevents Chats from Unarchiving Has it ever happened to you that you are trying to avoid the messages of people on WhatsApp or you do not want to see the chat box ...

You know Instagram is working on its own Clubhouse clone audio-chat feature, where users will be able to listen in to the conversation People spend most of their time on social media apps where they meet and chat with their ...

Did you know Twitter is working on a new feature to help boost the eCommerce on its platform The field of eCommerce is reaching new heights every day; it has slowly become one of the most successful ones out there. ...

You know TikTok has launched a new safety Advisory Council for Europe, which will provide experts, third-party insight into its content to improve its overall approach TikTok has hired many experts from all over the world to help it with ...

You know Industries like eSports made millions in money even during global pandemic We all know how everyone all around loves sports. The passion that comes with this subject is something else and really can’t be penned down in words. ...