Did you know Facebook has decided to remove its ban on Australia as the new law proposed by the Government involved the tech giant to pay local publishers for their news content We have always seen Facebook have the upper ...

You know TikTok removed over 89 million videos and 15.6 million accounts from its social network in H2 2020 In the past few months, TikTok has been accused of displaying content that is not appropriate for young users. After which ...

Did you know YouTube has taken on the initiative to introduce supervised accounts for parents to look over and control the type of content their kids can watch on the platform No doubt, the media world has progressed a lot ...

Did you know With the help of the new feature of Oculus Quest, you can mark your real couch in VR A new Oculus Quest inflates the headsets Guardian mode by allowing you to mark your actual couch as an ...

Did you know Telegram has introduced a whole bunch of features for its users in the app’s new beta update v7.5.0 Telegram is a social media app that was launched in August of 2013 but the app gained most popularity ...