You know Facebook is testing new “see more or less” buttons on mobiles that will assist users to manage the watch video section with the help of its algorithm The Facebook’s algorithm is responsible for managing the users feed, it ...

Did you know A Sure-Fire Strategy for Staying on Top of Your WIP Manufacturing Costs Costs are essential to manufacturers. When you let them escalate out of control, you run the risk of putting your business in trouble from the ...

Did you know WhatsApp Can Be Hacked Just by Your Phone Number? The Company Really Needs to Step Up Its Security Game Now Online scamming and hacking is not something new to us because with the increasing technology servers are ...

Did you know Sea of dead satellites and debris is forming an impenetrable capsule around the Earth Its been 64 years since Sputnik was launched in the Earth’s orbit back in 1957. It was a huge milestone for humans as ...

You know Facebook is trying to pay people to give their data to make the Artificial Intelligence fairer The Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have shown that it has been biased towards the people of color. Therefore, the AI systems have ...