Did you know Apple’s latest ads revolve around recycling and privacy measures that the tech giant takes Apple has recently posted three short and less than 15-seconds long ad videos on the Apple UK YouTube channel. These ads are aligned ...

Did you know Instagram’s Adam Mosseri Claims That Facebook-owned Social Network Is Not Neutral, Only Apolitical Adam Mosseri, the head of Instagram, has recently taken to Twitter, in an attempt to defend his platform from accusations of maintaining neutrality with ...

Did you know Twitter Unveils Its Latest Transparency Report, Harkening Back To The Company’s Trials And Tribulations Throughout Early To Mid 2020 The most recent update in Twitter’s series of transparency reports was recently published, taking a look back at ...

You know YouTube Web Introduces a Microphone Option Making Your Search Faster While other applications bring out changes in their applications very quickly the last updated feature YouTube introduced was moving the auto player option in the video player some ...

Content Creators Facebook is Prioritizing Original Reporting in News Feed from This Year Onwards Facebook works day in and out to make its app a place for all kinds of entertainment whether it is providing you with random quizzes or ...