Did you know Mark Zuckerberg Answers Tough Questions Related to Facebook’s Privacy Scandals in An Internal Meeting In the first week of January, WhatsApp users received a pop notification on the app notifying them about a new policy. The policy ...

Did you know DuckDuckGo Enables Its Initiative of Global Privacy Control On All Its Mobile Apps DuckDuckGo in collaboration with other organizations joined a privacy focused initiative called Global Privacy Control (GPC). If you are not aware what this is, ...

Did you know United States Outpaced by South Korea, UAE, Japan, and others in 5G Speeds With the world ready to fully embrace the phenomenon that is 5G, it turns out that the US has quite the work still left ...

You know Whatsapp brings more security on logging into any account on desktop by enabling biometric authentication Biometric authentication is used as a form of identification and to gain permission over the person’s account that matches with the fingerprints or ...

Did you know New Twitter Report Looks Into The Tweets Data From Successful Brands To Present A List of Customer Care Trends Sprinklr, the Software as a Service (SaaS) customer experience management platform has recently published a report in collaboration ...