Did you know Facebook Tests A More Prominent Short Videos Button To Its App Interface, Going All In On Competing With TikTok Facebook’s recently added a “Short Videos” button to its app interface, allowing users to make and upload short ...

Did you know Microsoft has made a comparison of Apple’s MacBook pro with its latest Surface Pro 7 in an Ad Well everybody knows about the prices of Apple products due to its name and popularity in the public. Many ...

Did you know Facebook tops the list of spending the most money on lobbying, leaving all the other Giant Tech Companies behind, including Google, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft If we accumulate the total spending of these giant tech companies such ...

Did you know Pinterest’s New AR Tool for Trying on Virtual Makeup Pinterest has taken the technological advancement to entirely other levels, with the launch of their new AR ‘Try On’ tool on their application through which you can try ...

Did you know Facebook’s Classes for Online Events; Moment Of Panic For Zoom And Teams? Facebook is all set to launch its new feature and as reported by Matt Navarra, it aims to make it easy for users to instruct ...