Did you know Refurbished Smartphone Industry Endures Serious Hit in 2020 It’s fair to say that pretty much every single industry out there suffered some kind of a financial hit in 2020, and for the most part these industries are ...

Did you know Chinese TikTok App, Douyin Introduces Its Own Online Payment Method TikTok in China, which is commonly known as Douyin introduced its own online payment method. The two most commonly used applications for online payments in China are ...

Did you know Creator Insider Video Reveals Update For iOS Devices Preventing Users From Accidentally Redirecting To External Links In YouTube Comment Sections A recent YouTube Creator Insider video has revealed about warning pop-up messages on external links for the ...

Did you know Instagram Head Admits That Its Reels Feature Is Inferior To TikTok Adam Mosseri of Instagram renown is, in his own words, “unhappy” with Reels, conceding that TikTok still prospers as the superior platform. Mosseri, the current head ...

Did you know The Children’s Charity NSPCC is putting pressure on Facebook to restart a program to scan the private chats where there is any sign of child abuse The cases of child abuse are increasing day by day in ...