You know A Major Redesign Is On Cards For The 2021 Macbook Pros We all have been realizing it for a while and finally, Apple takes care of our concerns by planning to go for a major Macbook Pro redesign ...

Did you know Facebook is changing the Page presentation layout by removing the ‘Our Story’ section from February 2021 Facebook has recently started sending prompts to Page administrators that a new change is on its way, as first reported by ...

Did you know Facebook Develops Three AI Technologies to Help Doctors During the Covid Times Facebook developed three AI models that will help hospitals determine the health of a Covid-19 patient by observing data from X-Rays. In the recent times ...

You know DuckDuckGo Recently Passed The Milestone Of 100 Million Searches In A Day   The privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo has recently crossed a monumental 100 million queries in a day for the first time since its inception in 2008. ...

Did you know Law enforcement agencies are looking for dents to invade user privacy through the loopholes in Android and iOS ecosystems If you believe that your data and information is perfectly safe and is well-protected by your phones, or ...