Parents Share If They Feel Disappointed With Their Children

Parents Share If They Feel Disappointed With Their Children

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“I have three children who are adults now, and each is self-sufficient. Like many parents, my husband and I worked hard and made many personal sacrifices. They each have very high IQs. I was sure I had a lawyer, an engineer, or a doctor in the group. I even thought one was going to become a minister and church leader. But it didn’t work out that way, and initially, I was disappointed. It didn’t make me feel any better when a family member would boast about her son or daughter earning six figures as an executive in a Fortune 500 company or earning a doctorate degree. My first thought was, What did we do wrong?

“Then, one day, I realized these were my aspirations, not theirs. I was basing my feelings on the standards dictated to me by society. I started looking at each one of my children through a different set of lenses. Each one has had to deal with their own personal demons. It has been a real struggle for one, but he’s winning the battle. He may not look like much to the world, but to me, he’s a fighter and a champion. 

Each one has a heart of gold and is compassionate toward others. So, in the end, I have to say that I’m not disappointed in them. I’m disappointed in me for those times that I let others get in my head.”

Diva, Quora

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