People Are Discussing Outrageous Helicopter Parents

People Are Discussing Outrageous Helicopter Parents

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“My sister and her husband have two young kids. Both have been raised to depend solely on their mom, which means they cannot operate without her. She doesn’t leave them with a babysitter or grandparents because, well, they can’t be left alone. They can’t even be taken to a restaurant because they haven’t really ever learned how to behave in public and will typically throw food. What’s worse is that they have no idea how to interact with other kids. They go on walks and to playgrounds, but she refuses to let them talk to other kids. They can only go on the slide if she helps them up and my brother-in-law catches them on the way down.”

“She and my BIL also have yet to let them watch TV or movies. The eldest loves characters from the movie Cars but hasn’t seen more than 10 minutes of the movie because ‘he just was too worried with questions.’ Also, forget talking about anything other than birds and butterflies around them. Anything else is too violent, and I will get a lecture from my sis.

Oh, and don’t even think about being excited around them. When our mom talked to the eldest on the phone about how excited she was to visit them in a few weeks, my sister stepped in and scolded her for making him ‘too excited.’ Whatever that meant.

Eating is hysterical with them, actually. When they eat anything, my BIL asks them non-stop for the next 15 minutes, ‘How is your tummy? Are you okay? Does your tummy hurt?’ Now, if there was a reason to ask, sure! But there isn’t. The kid just ate a cup of grapes, and no — his tummy isn’t hurting. My BIL seems to like to start the hypochondria early!

The most amusing thing is that their kids are always ‘special.’ Now, all kids are special, but their kids are EXTRA special. For example, the eldest has been groomed to memorize simple addition and subtraction. That’s fantastic, but does it really deserve two hours of constant praise?

It should come as no shock to anyone that she’s homeschooling both kids. I have nothing against homeschooling, but these kids need some social interaction, at the very least! Geesh.

We see them a few times a year, and I’m sure you can imagine how fun it is to get together! The eldest can’t even stand being touched by anyone other than his mom, so no tickle fights or even hugs. Fun times.”


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