People Are Sharing How Their Pets Saved Them From Danger

People Are Sharing How Their Pets Saved Them From Danger


“I was in a very toxic relationship for six years, but it didn’t turn that way until we moved away from our hometown together to chase bigger dreams. After about a month of us being away from almost everyone we knew, he started abusing me physically, mentally, and emotionally. We had two dogs, one of which I had adopted prior to the relationship, and he was very much my dog.”

“He would constantly put himself between my boyfriend when he could tell something was going to happen or start bugging for walks when my boyfriend would come home late after drinking. One night, I was cooking, and the dogs were asleep on the couch when he came home drunk. I poked at him for answers as to why he had been missing for hours, and I was immediately met with a beating of a lifetime. At one point, I remember thinking to myself that I was going to die on that kitchen tile floor. Then, it just stopped. I laid there for a second, grateful it had come to an end, before turning over and seeing my 6’4 200-pound boyfriend being literally dragged away by the back of the neck by my 80-pound dog. I stayed for much longer than I’m proud to admit, but I did finally get out of that relationship and took my beautiful dog with me. He lived a very beautiful and peaceful life until his passing in December 2023. I owed that dog everything and will never be able to move on from what an absolute perfect dream he was.”


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