People Are Sharing The Everyday Things That Have Gotten More And More Expensive And Not Worth Their Money Anymore

People Are Sharing The Everyday Things That Have Gotten More And More Expensive And Not Worth Their Money Anymore

People Are Sharing Everyday Things That Have Gotten Too Expensive And Are No Longer Worth It To Them

Okay, I think we can’t blame greedflation for thrift stores jacking up their prices, I think that’s 100% because of all those TikTok videos of resellers showing off their scores vs. what they sold it on eBay for.

I am sure if you talk to any friend or family member they’ll likely agree with you on one thing: the price of everyday things keeps going up and up. And at some point, it really starts hitting the wallet, and then all of sudden, buying a certain brand of ice cream or paying for a streamer you don’t really watch all that much becomes really not worth it.

Recently, Reddit user, guywhostillhasnoname, was interested in that very breaking point when they asked: “What is no longer worth it because of how expensive it has become?”

The thread went viral, getting over 20 thousand comments — clearly, the question hit a nerve! Below are the top, best, most often repeated comments:

1. “Most fast food!”

2. “Streaming services, we’re back at like cable again. Haven’t worn a pirates hat in many years…but I can smell the salty air.”

3. “Peer-to-peer rentals. All of the add-on fees usually drive the cost higher than an actual hotel stay in the same area.”

4. “Junk food. Um, $6 for a bag of chips? I’ll eat some damn baby carrots and hummus for less. Can’t remember the last time I had a soda either.”

5. “A lot of the unnecessary products from the grocery store. I used to like to drink sports drinks. Welp, price went up 60%. Don’t buy those anymore. I would occasionally buy those theater-style boxes of candy. Price went up 50%. Don’t buy those anymore, either.”

6. “Concerts! By the time all the extras and fees are applied, they’re out of reach.”

7. “Brisket used to be really cheap because it has lots of sinew and connective tissue. Takes a long time cooking to break down and make tender. Now that BBQ has taken off brisket has shot up in price.”

8. “Fixing things, which I used to love doing. It’s often much cheaper to just buy another one.”

9. “Getting regular haircuts.”

10. “I used to like stopping off to buy coffee, but f*** the $6 lattes or whatever it is now!”

11. “Trips to theme parks.”

12. “Going out drinking.”

13. “Buying a new car. Even the crap entry-level models with no options will run you nearly $30K.”

14. “Watching movies in the theater.”

15. “Thrifting has become crazy expensive. All of the thrift stores I used to go to have increased prices. On top of that garage sales are now wild! My favorite is pulling up to garage sales and seeing the owners have just printed out random listing from eBay. ‘No Bob, I am not gonna pay $100 dollars for a microwave from 2010 because it sold for that on eBay five years ago.'”

16. “Going to live sporting events.”

17. “Eating out. Everything is f’ing $50 for two people AT A MINIMUM.”

18. And lastly: “Boxed cereal. A name-brand one now costs $7-plus??? Get the f*** out of here with that nonsense. I’ll buy the store brand for $2 that comes in a bag instead of a box, at least until that gets too expensive as well. I need to figure out something else to eat for breakfast that’s not boxed cereal.

You can read the full thread of responses on Reddit.

Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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