People Are Sharing The Jobs Their Richest Friends Have

People Are Sharing The Jobs Their Richest Friends Have


“I know the CBO of an international bank. He works a minimum of 12 hours a day, six days a week. On Sundays, he ‘only’ works six to eight hours. In his downtime, he’s on standby for any issues that may crop up, to the point where he once responded to a client within 15 minutes. At 3:45 a.m.”

“He’s working when I’m sleeping. He’s working when I’m at lunch. He’s working while flying abroad to visit family. He’s working during car rides in between meetings with said family. He’s working while working (co-attending two separate meetings while replying to clients).

I have no idea how he works so hard and yet remains so calm. He’s basically a Swiss Army C-suite, since he does everything from sales to tactical planning to IT support to shareholder discussions. When I talk to him about it, his response is ‘I’m only 51, I’m still young.’

He also has a high-needs child, so his work hours are 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. so that he can fetch his child from the daycare, since his office is closer to the daycare than his wife’s.

That man is borderline superhuman.”


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