People Are Sharing The Most Profound Advice A Random Person Told Them

People Are Sharing The Most Profound Advice A Random Person Told Them


“I was corresponding with an affluent individual in the powerlifting community in 2016. I had connected with him because he was an icon and had agreed to help train me, but I also thought he was extremely attractive. We had a few personal conversations, and I talked about my unsupportive husband. We went on to discuss the pros and cons of my training program and other nonrelevant topics. I kind of chuckled and said, ‘I’d love to talk to my husband about this stuff, but he has zero interest.’ The man said in return, ‘If he loved you as much as he says he does, he would have interest. If you were important to him, you and your hobbies would be a priority.'”

“Damn. This gentleman and I lost touch over the years, but his words stuck with me. I ended up asking for a divorce two years later. This trainer said something flippant in passing, and it ended up completely changing my life. I had been in denial. It took a hot, tatted, muscular man to get me to pay attention to the truth. 😉 I’m still single, but I no longer entertain spending time with people who have no interest in who I really am.”

—Anonymous, 41, Missouri

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