People Are Sharing Their College Major Regrets

People Are Sharing Their College Major Regrets


“The moment I realized that I would regret my major was on the first day of clinical rotation. For most of my life, I knew that I wanted to care for people. I wanted to give compassionate care to sick people. I wanted to be a healer. The medical field is where I decided would help me help people. More specifically, the nursing field. Having a son early put my dream of being a doctor on hold, and being a nurse was the next best thing.”

“Nursing classes were the worst kind of hard. The classes are so challenging, the class hours are long, and studying becomes your life. Even though classes and the tests were challenging, I welcomed the challenge. I couldn’t wait for clinical. I couldn’t wait to don my new white scrub uniform. The first day of my clinical rotation, I was up earlier than usual. I couldn’t wait to get to the hospital. The moment I got off the elevator, I knew I would regret choosing nursing as my major. I knew from the nurses’ faces. The shift was just getting started, and they looked as though someone had sucked the joy out of them. The nurses that were leaving to go home appeared irritated, and I could hear them complaining about their night. I can honestly say that I regret it. It’s not the patients; it is truly the organizations that make you regret it.”


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