People Married Before 20 Share Their Divorce Stories

People Married Before 20 Share Their Divorce Stories


“I grew up in a strict religious culture and believed that sex before marriage was a huge sin. So I got married at age 20 to a man that, in hindsight, was just love-bombing me and pretending to be the person that he thought I wanted him to be. As the years went on, I realized that he didn’t really want an equal partner or to even have a real relationship with me. He just wanted a trophy wife who would take care of the kids, dog, and household so that he could do whatever he wanted. I hung in there for a long time because I believed that I would be disobeying God if I divorced him. He thought that he didn’t actually have to put in any effort because he had married a good little Christian girl who would never get divorced no matter what.”

“Now that I’m out, I see that he was emotionally abusive, narcissistic, and was systematically erasing my personhood. Any time that I had an opinion that wasn’t his, he said that I was being a disrespectful wife.”

—41, Canada

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