People Reflect on Final Straws That Ended Their Friendships

People Reflect on Final Straws That Ended Their Friendships


“For me, she’d been rather toxic for quite a few years but I kept making excuses for her, as you do, until finally she did a shit thing that hurt me that I felt like telling her. A minor thing, that I thought I’d say ‘Hey, this was shitty and hurt my feelings’ and she’d apologize and we’d move on.”

“Instead she blew up, attacked me, and threw every insult and accusation under the sun at me. So I told her I wouldn’t be spoken to like that and when she was ready to have a grown-up conversation we’d try again. She told me if I didn’t let her berate me our friendship was over. I said I didn’t cater to threats and ignored her. She left me dozens of hateful emails, voicemails, messages, etc. which I ignored.

A month later she called me asking for a pretty big favor, no mention of her behavior, no apology, nothing, just ‘do this for me,’ so I politely said no. She tried to contact me a few times after, but I ignored it. It’s sad how much happier I am now.”


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