People Share Most Disturbing Voicemail Messages

People Share Most Disturbing Voicemail Messages

“So we got back to my house and, although the house seemed undisturbed inside, when we checked the back porch, there were some men’s clothing: a jacket, shirt, underwear, and pants strewn across the floor. I called the police yet again to make another report, and after that, I locked up the porch and tried to get some rest. But, as I was trying to go to sleep, I remembered I had not turned on the porch light, so trying not to wake up my friend, tiptoed though the house to the back porch light switch to turn the porch light on, but first opened the drapes just enough to see what was there when I turned the light on. This surprised a naked man (my stalker) who looked like he was trying to jimmy the porch lock open!

I called the police yet again, and they searched the entire neighborhood, stopped every car coming in or leaving, knocked on every neighbor’s door, and questioned all that answered, and they still could not find him. So they left and we went back to bed.

However, not much later, my neighbors across the street found they could not go back to sleep after hearing about the stalker. They were sitting outside on their front porch and called 911 when they observed a (still naked) man sneaking around the side of the house to my back porch door, where he again tried to break in. This time, the police called me to warn me about a man attempting to break in, but he disappeared again when the police showed up, and they still could not find him. A bit later, around 4:00 AM, the police finally caught him after someone reported a naked man getting into a white van on a street a few blocks away.

With that came the end of my stalking nightmare. He went to jail for quite a long time, and I still have a restraining order on him.”

Alison Hartough, Quora

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