People Share The Worst Lies Their Parents Ever Told Them

People Share The Worst Lies Their Parents Ever Told Them


“One year, I made an agreement with my mom for my holiday present. I would pitch in $100 and she’d pitch in $100, and she’d get me a nice $200 laptop, which was decent enough for a teen at the time. Instead, she took my $100 and bought my brother and I each a shitty $50 notebook-style laptop with no battery, no Wi-Fi, and a barely functional mouse ball. I was disappointed when I saw what she got and was immediately suspicious. This was NOT a $200 piece of tech.”

“I found the receipt from her order and had the receipt from the withdrawal and demanded to at least get my money back if she was going to back out on our deal. She denied ever making such a deal, ever taking money from my account, and said I should be thankful I got anything at all.

For reference, my family was by no means poor. My mom had a second antique car she drove in the summer. Dad had a boat, motorcycle, and ATV, all high end and bought new. They took two vacations a year without us kids, minimum, while I struggled to have lunch money on a consistent basis. This was the moment that solidified my belief that my parents didn’t give a single fuck, and I needed to never rely on them again.”


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