Please stop making headphone apps, my phone is full

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I test lots of headphones. It’s part of the job, and it’s super fun. The thing that’s not is all the apps that manufacturers insist on putting with their headphones, filled with options and features that I’m unlikely to ever use. Whenever I open the box for a new pair of headphones I dread seeing a note of paper in the box that tells me to ‘download the app’.

This isn’t just a tech journalist getting annoyed over something stupid either, this is something that can be annoying to the average consumer as well. Headphones aren’t going to last forever, and given that you’ll likely be buying something from a different manufacturer than your first pair, it’s likely there’ll be a new app to download and try to work out as soon as you open the box. I reckon these features should all be baked into the settings menu of the device you’re using, or even onto the headphones themselves.

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