Quite Simply, Here Are 19 Stupid And Funny Pictures I Saw On The Internet This Week

Quite Simply, Here Are 19 Stupid And Funny Pictures I Saw On The Internet This Week

Hello, again! I’ve been away for a bit for a friend’s wedding in Nashville (fun! cool town!) and have made up for lost time by combing the internet for pictures that make me laugh despite sometimes being massively dumb. Honestly, it’s a combo I love! It’s tough out here — sometimes you gotta smash a couple of brain cells and yuk it up.

And my weekly disclaimer: One of the quirks of the modern internet is how things appear, disappear, then reappear at random times, so not everything on the list below is strictly new, but it was all new to me.

Let’s get into it 🫡

2. “Doc, please, I need my fix.”

3. In this economy, what you need more than anything else is ingenuity.

4. I want to be inspired by this Ninja Turtle–themed PSA, I really do.

7. 🎵 I’m at the Pumpkin Spice, I’m at the Oil Change, I’m at the combination Pumpkin Spice and Oil Change 🎵

10. Tell it like it is!

11. Wait for it…wait for it…

12. (Speechless.)

15. Took me at least five minutes.

17. I think “Farm fresh / butt nugget” is from a William Carlos Williams poem.

18. Fluffy, you absolute rapscallion.

19. And finally…Dick “Taco” Dick.

Another confusing but beautifully chaotic week on the internet! Thanks for hangin’!

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