You might not think about your monitor too much, but whether you’re working or gaming in your home, that array of pixels blasting light at your face is important. A monitor can vastly improve your productivity if you’re currently working ...

There are 15 plug types in use across the world. Type A and Type B are used in the US, Canada, Mexico, and Japan; Type C is common across Europe, South America, and Asia; Type E and Type F are ...

When I (Adrienne) travel for work, I typically carry a Tom Bihn bag, and the clamshell Synik 22 is my favorite. It has a lot of pockets, and they’re all thoughtfully designed. For example, the zippered water bottle pocket is ...

Lately, some of us on the WIRED Gear team have been obsessing over AirPods cases. Not just any old cases, we’re talking about ones that look like sneakers, candy, luggage, cell phones, even tins of Spam, allowing us to show ...

There are an insane amount of cases on the market. These are the others we like, just not as much as the ones above. Casetify Impact Case for $72: Casetify cases are fun because the designs are innumerable. (Look at ...