Megan later admitted that she was trying her best to move on from the 2020 incident, but since people continue to bring up new rumors, she felt it necessary to address the recent gossip. “I know who shot me, I ...

As for “obesity is a disease,” the extent of which it should be called a “disease” has been debated — the UK, WHO, and EU does not classify obesity as a disease. Moreover, being classified as “obese” comes from the ...

TikToker Shares Ways To Identify GenZ’ers And Millennials As an older Gen Z’er myself, sometimes it can be hard to spot a millennial because we grew up with a lot of the same music, TV shows, movies, and lingo. But, ...

She continued, “I will remember all the advice you gave me. I will remember all the times we laughed because your laugh was one of the all time greatest laughs to have ever existed. I will remember the deep love ...

Beyoncé and Rihanna were a little busy anyway, so booking them wasn’t going to happen. As you may know, Bey was working on her Renaissance album, world tour, and documentary-style film. And outside of maintaining her Fenty empire, Rihanna welcomed ...